WADA US Postal appeals (Bruyneel) 24/10/2018 Permanent ban ID 1271
WADA appealed three suspensions set by the 2014 arbitration process which concluded USADA's investigation of the US Postal team. CAS increased Bruyneel's suspension from 10 years to life.
Teams and people
- Actovegin
- Blood transfusion
- Corticosteroid
- Cortisone
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
- Human Growth Hormone (hGH)
- Testosterone
- Tetracosactide
- Bruyneel banned for life by CAS, says 'we were children of our era',, 24/10/2018
- Johan Bruyneel wordt alsnog levenslang geschorst: “Veel spijt van bepaalde zaken, maar ook gefrustreerd”, Gazet van Antwerpen, 24/10/2018
- Lance Armstrong’s former team manager given lifetime ban from cycling, Guardian, 25/10/2018
- El TAS suspende de por vida a Bruyneel y al médico español Celaya por "una elaborada trama de dopaje", El Mundo, 25/10/2018
- CAS says Bruyneel was 'at the apex of a multitude of doping violations',, 25/10/2018
- El TAS sanciona de por vida a Johan Bruyneel por su “plan de dopaje”, El País, 25/10/2018
- Armstrong positive
- US Postal investigation 1
- Vrijman investigation
- Andreu admission
- Armstrong investigation
- US Postal investigation 2 (2003-2004)
- US Postal investigation 2 (1997-2002)
- US Postal investigation 2 (1995)
- US Postal lifetime bans
- Vaughters admission
- Armstrong permanent ban
- Hamilton admission 2
- Vaughters evidence
- Zabriskie suspension
- Danielson suspension
- Vandevelde suspension
- Leipheimer suspension
- Barry suspension
- Hincapie admission
- Bruyneel resignation
- White suspension
- Kjærgaard admission (US Postal)
- Crawford admission
- Armstrong admission
- Bruyneel suspension
- Celaya suspension
- Marti suspension
- Armstrong federal lawsuit
- WADA US Postal appeals (Celaya)
- WADA US Postal appeals (Marti)
- Del Moral repeal