
Formaggi Pinzolo Fiavè 2004 Italy ID 384

People From To As
Andrenacci Danilo 2004 2004 Rider
Asci Renzo 2004 2004 Courier
Axelsson Nicklas 2004 2004 Rider
Balestri Maurizio 2004 2004 Courier
Barotti Alessandro 2004 2004 Courier
Barotti Riccardo Stefano 2004 2004 Courier
Bebto Zoltan 2004 2004 Courier
Camerini Maurizio 2004 2004 Dealer
Cedroni Marco 2004 2004 Rider
Coconi Cesare 2004 2004 Courier
Di Grande Giuseppe 2004 2004 Rider
Giustarini Simone 2004 2004 Dealer
Golcer Jure 2004 2004 Rider
Lavagnini Lorenzo 2004 2004 Pharmacist
Manzoni Mario 2004 2004 Rider
Muraglia Giuseppe 2004 2004 Rider
Nocera Luciano 2004 2004 Courier
Proni Alessandro 2004 2004 Rider
Quaranta Ivan 2004 2004 Rider
Recinella Graziano 2004 2004 Rider
Santuccione Carlo 2004 2004 Doctor
Villa Marco 2004 2004 Rider
Incidents Type Date
Golcer violation Violation 06/05/2004
Oil for Drugs raids Arrest 10/06/2004
Santuccione suspension Permanent ban 18/12/2007
Giustarini suspension Permanent ban 28/12/2007
Balestri, Barotti RS and Barotti A suspensions Permanent ban 10/03/2008
Coconi suspension Permanent ban 21/04/2008
Nocera suspension Permanent ban 19/05/2008
Cedroni suspension Temporary suspension 08/06/2008
Bebto suspension Permanent ban 10/07/2008


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